Planning for a Tanzania Safari

Planning for a Tanzania Safari

Are you planning a wildlife safari to Tanzania? Visiting Tanzania for a wildlife safari is rewarding with a lifetime travel experience creating a living memory for our visitors. A game-viewing safari in Tanzania offers a great opportunity to encounter wildlife up close in their natural environment.

Below we are taking you through all safaris ranging from budget travelers to luxury travelers and discussing when is the best time to see the ultimate wildebeest migration as well as the big 5 animals. Vibrant Holiday Safaris unwraps the best wildlife game viewing in the northern circuit of Tanzania that all kinds of travelers couples, groups of visitors, backpackers, and luxury travelers among other travelers.

What to expect on a wildlife game viewing safari in Tanzania.

Besides being one of the East African countries, Tanzania is rich in wildlife diversity, natural scenic beauty, and amazing cultures among others. It is the perfect destination for an open savannah plain wildlife safari from the Serengeti national park to Lake Manyara a flamingo birding spot, Africa’s highest mountain Kilimanjaro, and the wonder Ngorongoro crater.

The country has a lot to offer to visitors such as primate safaris to trek chimpanzees in the Gombe and Mahale forests, and wildlife game viewing in Rauha, Nyerere, and Katavi national parks. together with other East African countries, Tanzania combines with others countries to provide the best African travel experiences to visitors among to include: Gorilla trekking and Golden monkey trekking in Rwanda and Uganda, the Masai Mara and Karamojong cultural encounter in Kenya and Uganda respectively, bird watching in Queen Elizabeth, and Murchison fall national parks among other tourist activities.

When to visit Tanzania.

The month of October is known as the last month of the dry season of East Africa thus a perfect timing for the great wildebeest viewing. The short rains usually rain towards the end of October which triggers the movement of herds of Wildebeest to the south. The month of October is portrayed by the short afternoon downpours and in this period, tourists are very few compared to other months hence there are few safari vehicles and less congestion of tourists. While in the month of September, Tarangire becomes the center for the area’s elephant migration alongside the Great Wildebeest Migration in Serengeti national park.

Visiting Tanzania for the Great wildebeest migration viewing safari will give you a thrilling wildlife experience that will create a lifetime memory for the visitor.

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